Board of Madhyamil shiksha (highschool and intermediate) Uttar Pradesh is the largest education government board in India. Commonly known as UP Board or Utter Pradesh Board. The UP Board class 10 exams have their results scheduled to be declared in the endof May 2014 and the result of Class 12 is expected to be announced on 25th May 2019. Though some changes and delay is also possible. SS coaching will keep you updated about UP Board result declaration date and a link to see your result here.
CLICK- Class 10th result
Board was set up in 1921 at Allahabad by an Act of United Provinces Legislative Council. Board conducted its first exam in 1923. Utter Pradesh Board has conducted 10th and 12th annual examination 2019 in the month of March. UP Board has already released exam schedule/datesheet for class 10th and 12th exam 2019. Around 1.12 lakh students are to appear for the Uttar Pradesh (UP) Board exams which begin today for both Class 10 and Class 12. From the total of 1.12 lakh students, 59, 254 students will appear for Class 10, including 30,368 boys and 28,886 girls while 53,346 students, including 26,960 boys and 26,386 girls will attempt the Class 12 examination. In comparison to the 2018 UP Board exams, almost 9.5 per cent increase in students attempting class 10 and class 12 exams has been witnessed.
Uttar Pradesh Board is responsible for conducting Matric and Intermediate examination every year. Up Board always declare annual examination of class 10th and 12th in the month of May last week or June first week. You can also check your 12th results main web portal UP Board 12th results always announce after 10th class result. Although it can never be confirmed about the exact date of result 2019. Please stay connected with our websited regular updates. Submit your comments and we will reply you soon. We all are observing your comments regarding 10th class results June 2019.